Onboard Wheel Flat Detection
Flat spots are usually the result of excessive braking or conditions that reduce friction between the wheels and tracks, such as diesel spills, chemicals or stormy weather conditions. Wheel flats are more common in autumn and winter because of seasonal factors. Wheel flats are amongst the most common local surface defect in railway wheels, which can result in repetitive high wheel–rail contact forces and thus lead to rapid deterioration and possible failure of wheels and rails if not detected at an early stage. The timely and accurate detection of wheel flats is of great significance to ensure the safety of locomotive and railcar operation and reduce maintenance costs. In recent years, with the increase of train speed and load capacity, wheel flat detection is facing greater challenges than ever. Wheel flats are the most common local surface defect of railway wheels and are one of the important causes of train derailment. With 3C Telemetry's LLC's ground breaking sensor and monitoring technology, the locomotive and railcar industry have a valuable tool to help reduce these incidents.

Complete circumference of the wheel measured
Ease of installation
No drilling/welding needed
No electromagnetic interference
Remote Over The Air monitoring/reporting
Locomotive or Railcar mounting
Wireless sensors