Locomotive and railcar connection systems create the formation of a train from individual locomotives or railcars. These connection systems are made up of several components and the assembly is often collectively referred to as a ‘Draw Gear’ or "Draft Gear" and permits forces to be transmitted from vehicle to vehicle which allows for towing and braking. These components allow for quick and safe connection/disconnection of railcars and locomotives, transmit the towing and braking forces along the train, absorb shocks, impacts and collisions. Increased train lengths and payloads have been increasing year over year. This will continue as railways seek to increase efficiencies and maximise shipments in the USA and abroad. Advancements in connection systems have provided improved damping and coupling systems, resulting in increases in energy absorption. These improvements reduce force, resulting in longer trains. But inevitably the increased work loads occurring today come with a price, increased damage to the very systems designed to absorb such impacts. With the 3C Telemetry technology railcar and locomotive owners, leasing companies and customers are able to not only measure the stroke of the Draft Gear to ensure full extension on both the Buff Force (contracting stroke) but also the Draft Force (expansion stroke) but also the energy displaced during these events. Monitoring these events provides Alerts and Alarms for bi-directional anomalies during these occurrences but also historical data over a prolonged period of time so abusive or heavy impact data can be utilized for various reasons including the cost for repairs needed to railcars and locomotives due to repeated abusive behavior. An investment in 3C Telemetry technology can save time and money with our innovative solutions and algorithms.